BODY DETOX’s chiropractors believe in a measured approach, giving patients the treatment, movement, and knowledge they need to keep doing the things they love. This means going beyond the traditional in-and-out, quick adjustment appointments. BODY DETOX’s chiropractors work with patients to create a treatment plan needed for them to find success without having to give up their active lifestyle. We do this by spending time with each patient to assess their biomechanics, explaining problem areas and their causes, and offering practical advice and movement.

BODY DETOX’s chiropractors work with patients to find the solutions to get them back to doing the activities they love, safely and pain-free. This means taking an individualized approach to injury treatment and recovery. Working with patients one-on-one offering treatments that suit their pain level and mobility, creating exercise plans specific to their recovery, and providing solutions to manage and improve discomfort.

BODY DETOX chiropractors veer from the conventional approach to address the specific needs of active patients. We help patients make the best use of their appointments to create real, lasting results.

We do not put our patients on generic treatment plans. Everybody is different and every condition is different. You may improve in one visit or twenty so your treatment plan is entirely dependent on how you respond to the treatment.

At BODY DETOX, our true goal is to get you close to 100% in the shortest amount of time possible.


The main condition we treat at BODY DETOX is adhesive scar tissue build up in the fascia part of the muscles. We do this through the utilization of Myofascial Release Technique (MRT) and Shockwave Therapy.

Most people don’t know what fascia is so they also don’t know that it is one of the most important structures of our body, especially when it comes to chronic physical pain. Fascia is the thin layer of connective tissue that encapsulates and intertwines all of our soft tissue together from head to toe to give our body its tensile strength and stability. When you talk about muscles you’re also talking about fascia as it is the connective tissue part of the muscular system. The fascia to a muscle is like the enamel to a tooth, an integral part of its anatomy.

Injury and scar tissue build up to the fascia will cause two main issues:

(1) Pain – Fascia is one of the most pain sensitive structures in the body. Right up there with nerve tissue, fascial tissue tends to be very painful when injured. The pain that many chronic pain sufferers feel is actually coming from the fascia.

(2) Altered Biomechanics – Adhesive scar tissue causes restrictions in that scarred area leading to an alteration in biomechanics. Altered mechanics leads to abnormal stresses and compensation leading to more scar tissue formation leading to more pain. This continued cycle only gets worse and eventually the pain seems to spread.

We have 206 bones compared to around 640 pairs of muscles yet a specialty in muscle health does not exist in medicine. This is the gap we are trying to bridge with our emphasis of soft-tissue treatment utilizing Myofascial Release Technique (MRT) and Shockwave Therapy. The doctors at BODY DETOX use a combination of Functional Movement Assessments, Myofascial Release Technique, Shockwave Therapy Chiropractic adjustments, and Rehab exercises to properly diagnose and treat physical pain


After you book an appointment, make sure to fill out the intake form.

What to Wear: The initial consult is a comprehensive analysis of the way you move. Wear something that you can move, and have full range of motion, in. Stretchy pants or shorts and a loose fitting t-shirt or tank top.

What to Expect: All initial evaluation are 60 minutes long and will involve some level of joint correct, soft tissue work and exercise prescription (homework). Expect that there will be periods of discomfort during treatment but this is productive pain and will subside and you will feel better.



(1) A practitioner will evaluate your unique movement patterns that have been ingrained in your body by repetitive stresses. Identifying these may help determine what is driving your dysfunction or pain.

(2) A practitioner will assess the mobility of your joints and your level of muscular control.

(3) A practitioner will determine and execute a plant to correct dysfunctional movements and sustain the results through preventative care so your body can perform at its best. Every treatment consists of extracorporeal shockwave therapy, myofascial release technique treatment, joint correction and take home exercises.


The Plan: The number of treatments you will need depends on your condition. Generally 3-5 for minor issues, 5-10 for major issues, and 10- 15+ for complex issues. Ideally, we want to educate and arm you with enough tools (exercises) that you can maintain the results achieved through treatment.

The Soreness: After treatment soreness is to be expected. Like a hard workout, you might feel varying levels of discomfort and soreness; this is completely normal and will lessen with every treatment.

The Change: Although much will be accomplished in the treatment sessions, it is very important to continue with the home exercises prescribed. This is how we cultivate the optimal level of recovery and change.